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Google reducirá la contratación de nuevos talentos citando ‘vientos en contra económicos’

Citando vientos en contra económicos, Google está ralentizando el proceso de contratación de nuevos talentos para el resto de 2022 y 2023. Así lo señaló el CEO de la compañía, Sundar Pichai, el martes, a través de un memorando interno.

Según él, el CEO declaró que Google ha contratado a más de 10,000 personas solo en el segundo trimestre de este año. Pero para respaldar oportunidades importantes ahora, la compañía está ralentizando la contratación de nuevas personas, mientras que la contratación para departamentos críticos como ingeniería, técnica, etc. continuará como de costumbre.

Ralentizar la contratación de nuevas personas

Debido a las tensiones económicas en curso en todo el mundo, varias empresas de tecnología van a congelar las contrataciones para reducir costos, como una medida. Hemos visto a Meta, Uber, Spotify, Snap, Twitter, Netflix y GameStop anunciar su pausa de contratación, y ahora Google se une a la lista.

Según un memorando interno compartido por el CEO de Google, Sundar Pichai, el martes, según lo obtenido por Business Insider, la compañía reducirá la contratación de nuevos talentos durante el resto de 2022 y 2023. Aunque, la contratación para ingeniería y otras áreas técnicas continuará como de costumbre.

Pichai citó los vientos en contra económicos como una de las principales razones, al tiempo que se jactó de agregar más de 10,000 personas solo en el segundo trimestre de este año. Sin embargo, decidieron disminuir la contratación de nuevas personas, mientras redistribuían los recursos actuales en áreas críticas.

Además, se puede decir que Google es más

Hi Googlers,

Hard to believe we’re already through the first half of 2022. It’s the right opportunity to thank everyone for the great work so far this year, and to share how my Leads and I are thinking about H2.

The uncertain global economic outlook has been top of mind. Like all companies, we’re not immune to economic headwinds. Something I cherish about our culture is that we’ve never viewed these types of challenges as obstacles. Instead, we’ve seen them as opportunities to deepen our focus and invest for the long term.

In these moments, I turn to our mission: to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. It’s what inspired me to join the company 18 years ago, and what makes me so optimistic about the impact we are able to have on the world. Knowledge and computing are how we drive our mission forward. That’s the lens we use to decide where to invest -- whether it’s in areas like Search, Cloud, YouTube, Platforms and Hardware, the teams that support them, or in the AI that enables more helpful products and services.

We help people and society when we focus on what we do best, and do it really well. The investments we’ve made in the first half of the year reflect this vision. In Q2 alone, we added approximately 10,000 Googlers, and have a strong number of commitments for Q3 start dates which reflects, in part, the seasonal college recruiting calendar. These are extraordinary numbers, and they show our excitement about long-term opportunities, even in uncertain times.

Because of the hiring progress achieved so far this year, we’ll be slowing the pace of hiring for the rest of the year, while still supporting our most important opportunities. For the balance of 2022 and 2023, we’ll focus our hiring on engineering, technical and other critical roles, and make sure the great talent we do hire is aligned with our long-term priorities.

Moving forward, we need to be more entrepreneurial, working with greater urgency, sharper focus, and more hunger than we’ve shown on sunnier days. In some cases, that means consolidating where investments overlap and streamlining processes. In other cases, that means pausing development and re-deploying resources to higher priority areas. Making the company more efficient is up to all of us -- we’ll be creating more ways for you all to engage and share ideas to help, so stay tuned.

Scarcity breeds clarity -- this is something we have been saying since the earliest days of Google. It’s what drives focus and creativity that ultimately leads to better products that help people all over the world. That’s the opportunity in front of us today, and I’m excited for us to rise to the moment again.

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