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La última versión beta de WhatsApp revela una nueva característica de ‘Comunidad’

Según un desmontaje de apk realizado por el grupo XDA, se descubre que WhatsApp está trabajando en una nueva función de ‘Comunidad’, que coexistirá con los Grupos de WhatsApp.

Si bien aún no hay una revelación adecuada, especulamos que se trata de subgrupos dentro de un grupo principal y permitirá que los involucrados conversen entre ellos, públicamente. Esto es útil en el caso de los canales, donde el administrador solo puede enviar mensajes.

En comparación con otros mensajes instantáneos, WhatsApp es definitivamente lento en la implementación de nuevas funciones para la comunidad. Rivales como Telegram y Signal están respondiendo a las necesidades de la comunidad y atrayendo a usuarios nuevos y existentes de WhatsApp a su plataforma.

Y WhatsApp solo los sigue y brinda solo las funciones que se necesitan. Uno de ellos podría ser el soporte para permitir que los usuarios de un grupo formen subgrupos separados y conversen. Esto se parece más a los hilos de Telegram a un canal, donde solo el administrador puede enviar mensajes.

Y para despejar dudas de esa comunicación unilateral, los seguidores forman grupos separados o abren hilos relacionados con la publicación y el chat. Esto ya está disponible en Telegram y podría estar llegando a WhatsApp, según los desarrolladores de XDA.

<string name="accept_invite_link_already_in_parent_group">"You're already in this community"</string>
<string name="button_invite_to_parent_group">Invite to community</string>
<string name="cannot_send_to_parent_group_not_member">"ERROR: can't send to this community, not a participant"</string>
<string name="conversations_most_recent_parent_group_invite">WhatsApp community invite</string>
<string name="failed_accept_bad_invite_link_parent_group">"This invite link doesn't match any WhatsApp communities"</string>
<string name="failed_accept_invite_link_banned_parent_group">"You can't join this community because you were removed."</string>
<string name="failed_accept_invite_link_invalid_parent_group">"You can't join this community because this invite link is invalid."</string>
<string name="failed_accept_invite_link_no_parent_group">"You can't join this community because it has ended."</string>
<string name="failed_accept_invite_link_reset_parent_group">"You can't join this community because this invite link was reset."</string>
<string name="failed_accept_invite_parent_group_full">"You can't join this community because it is full."</string>
<string name="failed_announcement_parent_group_send_msg_not_admin">Only admins can message this community</string>
<string name="failed_create_invite_link_no_parent_group">"Can't view this community's invite link because this group has ended."</string>
<string name="failed_create_invite_link_not_admin_parent_group">"Can't view this community's invite link because you're not an admin."</string>
<string name="invite_link_description_parent_group">Anyone with WhatsApp can follow this link to join this community. Only share it with people you trust.</string>
<string name="join_parent_group">Join community</string>
<string name="join_parent_group_by_link">Join community</string>
<string name="join_parent_group_creator_message">Community created by %1$s</string>
<string name="joining_parent_group">Joining community…</string>
<string name="parent_group_created_by_creator">Group creator created community \"%1$s\"</string>
<string name="parent_group_created_by_name">%1$s created community \"%2$s\"</string>
<string name="parent_group_created_by_you">You created community \"%1$s\"</string>
<string name="parent_group_description_changed_by_name">%1$s changed the community description. Tap to view.</string>
<string name="parent_group_description_changed_by_name_in_chats">%1$s changed the community description</string>
<string name="parent_group_description_changed_by_participant">A participant changed the community description. Tap to view.</string>
<string name="parent_group_description_changed_by_participant_in_chats">A participant changed the community description</string>
<string name="parent_group_description_changed_by_you">You changed the community description. Tap to view.</string>
<string name="parent_group_description_changed_by_you_in_chats">You changed the community description</string>
<string name="parent_group_description_deleted_by_name">%1$s deleted the community description</string>
<string name="parent_group_description_deleted_by_participant">A participant deleted the community description</string>
<string name="parent_group_description_deleted_by_you">You deleted the community description</string>
<string name="parent_group_ended">This community has ended</string>
<string name="parent_group_invite">WhatsApp community invite</string>
<string name="parent_group_invite_default_caption">Invitation to join my WhatsApp community</string>
<string name="parent_group_invite_link_preview_description">Community chat invite</string>
<string name="parent_group_link_qr_prompt">This community QR code is private. If it is shared with someone, they can scan it with their WhatsApp camera to join this community.</string>
<string name="parent_group_no_forwarded_many_times_disabled_sys_msg">"%1$s changed this community's settings to allow messages that have been forwarded many times"</string>
<string name="parent_group_no_forwarded_many_times_disabled_sys_msg_you">"You changed this community's settings to allow messages that have been forwarded many times"</string>
<string name="parent_group_no_forwarded_many_times_enabled_sys_msg">"%1$s changed this community's settings to not allow messages that have been forwarded many times"</string>
<string name="parent_group_no_forwarded_many_times_enabled_sys_msg_you">"You changed this community's settings to not allow messages that have been forwarded many times"</string>
<string name="parent_group_participant_joined_by_link_names">"%s joined using this community's invite link"</string>
<string name="parent_group_participant_joined_by_link_you">"You joined using this community's invite link"</string>
<string name="parent_group_qr_share_subtitle">WhatsApp community</string>
<string name="parent_group_restrict_disabled_sys_msg">"%1$s changed this community's settings to allow all participants to edit this group's info"</string>
<string name="parent_group_restrict_disabled_sys_msg_you">"You changed this community's settings to allow all participants to edit this group's info"</string>
<string name="parent_group_restrict_enabled_sys_msg">"%1$s changed this community's settings to allow only admins to edit this group's info"</string>
<string name="parent_group_restrict_enabled_sys_msg_you">"You changed this community's settings to allow only admins to edit this community's info"</string>
<string name="reset_link_confirmation_parent_group">Are you sure you want to reset the invite link for \"%1$s\"? If you reset the link, no one will be able to use it to join this community.</string>
<string name="share_invite_link_message_parent_group">Follow this link to join my WhatsApp community: %s</string>
<string name="view_parent_group">View community</string>

El equipo derribó el WhatsApp beta v2.21.21.6 para encontrar nuevas cadenas de código, revelando Comunidad como una función adicional. Esto a menudo se une a los Grupos, formando así ambas secciones distintivas. Esta podría ser una opción para formar varias comunidades en un grupo, o viceversa.

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Y esto también puede extender los roles de administrador para limitar y administrar la nueva sección. Sea lo que sea, es posible que encontremos más información pronto si continúa desarrollándose. De lo contrario, WhatsApp, al igual que otras plataformas tecnológicas, puede descartarse si se siente inútil en la fabricación. Ya que se ve en la beta, mejor esperar más para saber más.